Kolou is considered to be the strongest of all the Divine Ones. Even so he is second in command to the Divine Ones.

When the world was made all the Divine Ones created something different. Kolou is the one who made the spirit, the soul and gave that great gift to the humans. His power gives a person will and courage. He is also deemed the overseer of battle. Kolou is the symbol of the perfect knight. He is kind, generous, loving, compassionate, courageous, and is the only one of the Divine Ones that has never even once doubted humans. To him humans can pass any challenge and will one day become a great and powerful race.

Kolou is depicted as a tall, well built man. He wears plate armor of shining mithral and carries a longsword and shield that radiate power. There is a golden shine outlining his body at all times. He is clean shaven and well chiseled. His hair is long and golden.

People pray to him before every battle for courage and strength, though to pray for victory is considered an insult along with any prayer to harm the enemy with divine intervention. It is also not uncommon for people to prayer to him for courage in everyday life. Such as the courage to ask out one has developed feelings for or to give performances. Kolou smiles on such things and greatly enjoys watching humans as they grow and thrive.

Kolou dislikes thieves, assassins, and any other who would hide in the shadows. He who would not face his problems, opponents, and challenges with honour is not more than a coward. However Kolou does not hate these people. He wishes them all to learn their lessons and hopes that one day they will turn to the light. Which is why he often redirects light onto them to they cannot skulk.

Places of honour, such as award ceremonies, throne rooms, or dueling arenas are said to have his blessing.

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