“ With regard to the plot 'Sleeping Mines of Elathon':
You manage to get the water wheel in the mine working which operates a pump to clear the flooded lower levels. As you explore the dank tunnels of the lower galleries, you can hear the creaking of the wheel above. You enter a low-ceilinged passage and are crawling on your backs, when the creaking stops. The water starts seeping wetly around the back of your head...”
“ If it was a castle, it was the strangest one he had ever seen.
He of course saw the main tower - taller than anything he had seen outside of Stoneholt, the spire looked fragile and was topped by a glassed-in chamber.
The outer wall was so gently sloped that it would have only stopped a horde of hobbling old men, an able-bodied soldier could stride up to its crest with little effort. Within one saw a huge, nearly perfect bowl-shaped area with the base of the tower in the centre, covered in hundreds of mirrors.
This structure is a massive solar collector designed by the Wizard-King Aardwal in centuries past. He used the concentrated light in his investigations into the magic of light, and in the fashioning of flash crystals.”
L3 Wiz
As I walk through devastated landscape only one thought burns in my head. Revenge.I was a normal adventuring wizard, dungeon delving and putting out innocents fires. Ha, fire.After years of trying to find out what happened, the truth is unfolding for me, a second word has entered my vocabulary. Castinlig. a name put to the scorched earth. The one who did this.
He was too powerful and too greedy.He summoned the king of the djinn and a supposedly perfect wish w incredible power behind it. Fire ball now has a 100 mile radius and is locked at 7d6. I didn't know this when I cast it for the first time in days. My party was wiped out and I would have been too except my ring of total fire resistance saved me. But not my friends.
I scavenge for food and a potions, really all I can and have to do.I will find him.
( a solo game for a l7 wiz)”