Full Description
The Skalfian Vampires were all once human beings, but now lead pathetic existences as etiolated wights, deformed and undying, who shamble and hunt each other in cruel animalistic hunger through the swamps where the ruins of their city jut from the fen like tombstones.

A Skalfian Vampire is scarcely recognizable as a former human, but rather represents some kind of hideous humanoid vulture mummy. The face of each eyeless, shriveled corpse has been twisted and deformed and their jaws warped, now resembling some kind of demonic vulture mask with human skin stretched over it. Their slick, wet, purple-stained flesh is crowned by thousands of mutant quills and deformed, useless feathers. Their nerveless limbs sway and slap as they lurch through the dank morass which is their prison and their home, their snarled ripping jaws hanging loosely and their blackened swollen tongues limply bobbing. Lacking eyes, they find their way through the marsh to prey only through sense of smell.

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