Full Description
Sen was a kind and very genrous child. Even though his bloodline was of the Hybrids, he still was raised by humans. At birth his mother abanned him for his saftey. Upon a late stromy night the village of Hybrids was attacked.

Additional Information
Sen the ruler of the Abyss and the creature leader of the Army of darkness. Once he claimed his place in the Army of Darkness he grew more powerful everyday. He and his followers of darkness almost turned the Land of Light into a land of his own, in the meanwhile having control over the Abyss. Legend says that once the two lands of light and darkness(the Abyss) are controlled by one force then the first land(our land) is destroyed. Sen however thinks that controlling both the lands he is able to Access the first. If by chance he did then all would come to an end. The six children of light along with their powers are the only ones now that can destroy this evil creature. By restoring the Land of Singing Angels, the Farplane and the Den of Wo and obtaining the Wand of Hope, The Sword of Light and The Staff of Destiny will this finally come to ease. But at any will Sen is not determined to lose his kingdoms to anyone.