Special Equipment:

Armaments include a Kindjal and an unfixed Crysknife.


She has elongated, dense, chocolate to sun kissed tresses; unnatural all blue eyes known as the "Eyes of Ibad"; smooth, bronzed epidermis; petite, svelte, and enthralling physique; able bodied, dexterous, and formidable. She enjoys adorning herself for cermonious reasons, but should not be thought of as delicately feeble. She is generally faithful, decisive, and dramatic. Alia adores flora and fauna.


Alia was nurtured in the desert environment and discerns its weaknesses, potency, and how to survive in
that sort of environment. She has laran which has been passed off genetically from the paternal line. This enchantment she possesses is the capability to be telepathic with hawk, horse, and hound. Alia cannot "speak" with the fauna but can only feel their sensations, such as anxiety or joy. She may also sooth the creature or will it to do her bidding.Alia has never been formally instructed how to control her laran and is oft to be subject to it's overwhelming conflicts.

Roleplaying Notes:

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