7 Terrorists
7Terrorists (or freedom fighters, if you prefer that term. It depends whose side you are on.)
Jihadist carries out his attacks because he is an extreme member of an otherwise mainstream religion. Although in the country he lives and operates in the religion is legal and it's members are not being treated badly, in his mind it is persecuted and under attack. And he thinks that by his actions people will be forced into holier lives for the sake of their souls. He would even be willing to blow himself up for his religion, convinced rightly or wrongly that his soul would go to a place of heavenly delight.
Mafiosi may indeed once have been idealistic when he first joined a terrorist group, but nowadays he his just in it for the money that he can extort out of civilians in exchange for not hurting or killing them or burning their businesses to the ground. It has been a very long time since he last opened fire on the security forces or anybody else in a position to fight back. Nobody in his area apart from his family or his close friends likes him, but they are too worried of the group that he is a member of to snitch on him to the police or to take direct action against him-at least for now. Enter the PCs...
He was arrested for a bombing after several years in the inside of a very dangerous terrorist group and given a choice-go to prison with a fifty-year prison term or become an informant for the secret service and wear a wire at times. Since then, he has collected useable evidence against a large number of his fellow terrorists, including a couple in high places, but he knows that if they catch him informing on them, they will kill him, most likely inflicting after prolonged torture. If he is not uncovered, he'll sooner or later need to give evidence against them in court and then vanish into witness protection.
4-Prison OC
Sentenced to life imprisonment for murdering two police officers several years ago, he has since become the Officer Commanding of the prison in which he is held. The other prisoners of his group answer to him. His tasks include
-speaking to the prison officers if something is wrong.
-planning prison escapes.
-arranging the murder of any prison officers who give the prisoners a hard time, as he has a hidden mobile phone and thus secret communication with those of his group on the outside, who have murdered more then one prison guard on the outside.
-ferreting out informers amongst the other prisoners and ordering their murders.
-keeping up morale amongst the other prisoners of his group
5-Paper Terrorist
Unlike the others on this list he is not normally violent, but he is still a major pain in the backside, as he likes to put liens on the houses or cars of those who he feels have wronged him in some way, which take a lot of money and court time to sort out. His politics are extreme Libertarian and he risks arrest by driving around with a home-made driving license and home-made license plate and an illegally owned pistol and ammunition in his car.
The Luddite directs most of his brand of terrorism against technology in acts of arson, but it is not without reason-technology cost him his job, his home and his marriage, and access to his children. When not planning or carrying out illegal acts, he now lives in a tent hidden in the woods, living off foraged or shoplifted food.
7-John Brown
The John Brown has never been enslaved either legally or illegally, but he still hates slavery with a passion. Unlike the Luddite, this is not because he lost his job-he just thinks it is an unmitigated evil that should not be legal in his country and he is planning to start a major slave rebellion. Only time will tell if he is successful at it.
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