“ Rakda-
These goatlike animals, who have shaggy coats and layers of scales, are good retainers of water. They are close relatives of Suppoki. Their meat is considered a delicacy in many countries.
No desert tribesman leaves his settlement without a Rakda.”
“ In a warrior based society, when you make a threat of violence or death towards another, you had better be prepared to back it up with your weapons. Because this is considered an implied challenge to combat and should the person who you threatened call you out on it, it constitutes as accepting this challenge. Trying to back out at this point is considered cowardice and results in being disgraced.”
“ The party is walking through the forest at night when they come upon a clearing. Half a dozen black-robed corpses lie scattered across the ground, and a pentagram of blood is shoddily drawn in the dirt.
It seems these people summoned something they could not control. Whether or not the demon returns is up to the GM, but it would be just as rich if the demon never returned, and for the rest of the night, every stray sound or odd shadow will be jumped at!”